Donnerstag, 10. November 2011

Got grey short hair

Yes, I did it. Got grey short hair but I'm not that satisfied.

Probably I'm the first girl ever that went to my hairdresser and wanted to have a kind of grey hair. Thus her reaction was a mixture of confusion and shock haha. 
Yes, I wanted to have grey hair but not that grey hair someone imagines who is not a "fashionista". Not that typical grandma grey, more a white blonde only with a grey haze. But I guess it's very difficult to explain it to someone who not knows the modern hairstyles and colors. From the very beginning I was very sceptical because I don't really trust in my village hairdresser's skills but in spite of it I tried it and became disappointed.
First it is very spotted and second it is a mixture of my old yellow blonde and grey and not white blonde. 
What shall I say, my new hairstyle exactly  fulfills my expectations concerning my hairdresser's skills but not my expectations of my look.

4 Kommentare:

  1. ich würd den pony noch rauswachsen lassen, dann isses echt ne super frisur!

    find us here

  2. Danke für dein Comment :) Dein Blog ist auch toll und deine Haare sind toll geworden!

    lg, Paula

  3. Also, damit fällst du auf der Straße auf jeden Fall auf zwischen den unzähligen Pferdeschwänzen und "normalen" Stufenschnitten..
